Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tanks! Tanks! Tanks! - By Nemo

Tanks is a pen and paper RPG that requires the use of a single D10.
This game requires a standard square battle mat, and tokens taken up a 2x1 section on that map. The token must have a way of identifying the front and rear. (A small toy car or tank will work well.)

Each character player is in charge of one tank unit. Each player will utilize four different skills: Repair, Shoot, Defense, and Move.
Each player can make 1 action per turn. Turn order is decided by the best movement roll.
The more points you put into a skill the more that effects the range for a successful roll. A successful roll is determined based on the number of points in that skill, however it is different based on each action.
Repair success is determined directly on how many points the person has in that skill. If the roll result is equal to or lower than the number of skill points it is considered a successful roll.
Shoot success has two stages, complete success and partial success. A complete is determined on the character's shooting skill - the targeted players defense skill. (Player 1's Shoot skill is 7 Player 2's defense is 5, 5 - 7 = 2 so the player successfully does complete damage on a 1 or 2. A partial success is anything equal to or lower than the the shooter's skill regardless of the targets defense, however this does only half damage.
Defense rolls are only used for determined a successful ambush, (see ambush section for details) this roll is determined the same as Shoot.
Move success is determined based on the number of points allotted to that skill. As long as the result is equal to or less than the roll result, the tank can make as many moves as the die result. In an unsuccessful roll, the tank moves at half the result rounded down, or 1. No matter the result, no tank can make more moves per turn than it has points in the move skill. (even though a 10 divided by 2 is 5, a tank with 3 points in Move still only moves 3.)
Each player begins with a Base: 1 in each skill, and has 12 additional points to put into each category.
Movement: Each movement earned from your roll gives you 1 space to move forward. Turning in place takes 2 moves, or you may incorporate a turn while moving for only 1 additional move. So moving 3 spaces and turning 90 degrees only costs you 4 movement. You cannot move over obstacles or other player's vehicles
Shoot: A vehicle can only shoot an enemy in a front facing direction, This area includes all spaces 3 squares wide center on the front of the vehicle. There is no maximum to the distance that a tank can Shoot. A vehicle shooting over cover from more than 1 space away incurs a -2 penalty. You cannot shoot through a wall. A wall can be destroyed by Shooting it for 5 damage. A destroyed wall turns into cover. Cover that is shot is automatically destroyed.

  • Damage: Each successful shot deals 1D10 damage. Each tank starts with 20 Hit points, and receives +2 for each point in Defense above 5.
  • A vehicle below 5 HP is considered disabled and cannot move.
Repair a successful roll allows the player to repair 1D10 HP.
Defense can be used to attack another player if the defending player does not use any actions during a turn. If before the next turn another player's tank moves in front the defending player, that player can immediately attack using his Defense skill instead of the Shoot skill. 
This module is designed for an arena type play, or possibly players can team up against NPC vehicles. 

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